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国际应用心理学协会(IAAP)现任主席Lori Foster唁电
发布时间:2022-12-29      作者:       浏览量:       【关闭

I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Professor Houcan Zhang. I have heard so many wonderful things about her, personally and professionally, including her impressive role in the development of psychometrics in China. Her tremendous contributions to Chinese and international psychology will not be forgotten. I have no doubt she will live on in the hearts of many people across the world. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with her family and friends during this difficult time.

Warm regards,

上一篇:国际应用心理学协会(IAAP)前任理事长Christine Roland-Lévy唁电

下一篇:国际应用心理学协会(IAAP)前主席Jose M. Peiró.唁电
