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国际应用心理学协会(IAAP)前任理事长Christine Roland-Lévy唁电
发布时间:2022-12-29      作者:       浏览量:       【关闭

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Thank you for sharing the sad news about Professor Houcan Zhang; yes, indeed she has accomplished a lot for CPS and for psychology in general. It is hard to believe that she was 95 as she was, when we met her last in Beijing, so sharp… I particularly appreciate the fact that she dedicated her life to teaching and educating students and pursuing rigorous, innovative, and practical scholarship.

Let her rest in peace.

Concerning the Pandemic, yes, this is hard, very hard, and I cross my fingers for all of you in China.

More in a separate message.

Warm regards,

Prof. Dr. Christine Roland-Lévy

上一篇:纪念文章 | 膽氣豪情行過一生,懷念張厚粲老學長

下一篇:国际应用心理学协会(IAAP)前理事长Janel Gauthier唁电
