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【招聘】北师大心理学部心理健康服务中心招聘总督导师 |
发布时间:2019-11-21 作者: 浏览量: 【关闭】 |
beway必威 心理健康服务中心(MHS)诚聘督导英才 onthegopto.com是教育部直属重点大学,是一所以教师教育、教育科学和文理基础学科为主要特色的著名学府。其心理学部在教育学科排名中,连续排名全国第一。北师大心理学部应用心理学专业硕士项目(MAP)作为首批应用心理专硕的招生项目,是目前全国最大的应用心理专硕培养基地。其临床与咨询方向致力于发挥北师大心理学科百年沉淀和特色优势,充分汲取国际心理咨询与心理治疗学术素养,扎根中国文化与中国社会,建设一流师资队伍,建立高水平专业化课程体系,同时强化实践应用与督导,为我国培养与国际水平接轨的专业心理咨询师和心理治疗师。位于京师大厦二层的心理健康服务中心,是北师大心理学部应用心理学(MAP)临床与咨询方向学生的实习实践基地,总面积约980平方米,是中国目前规模最大的心理健康服务中心之一,同时也是中国心理咨询与治疗人才培养的重要摇篮。中心为社会各界提供公益免费心理咨询服务,包括心理评估、个体咨询、团体咨询、婚恋家庭咨询,也为社会机构提供各种形式的心理健康服务。 应工作发展需求,心理健康服务中心现面向国内外招聘总督导师。 一、招聘要求 1.本岗位为全职工作岗位。 2.须有临床/咨询/学校心理学博士学位,具备所在国家或地区从业资质,有丰富的心理咨询督导经验。 3.具备大学心理咨询中心或其他心理咨询服务机构管理经验,或临床/咨询/学校心理学硕博士培养项目管理经验。 4..积极参与国内外重要心理学学术组织活动,担任学术组织领导角色,在行业内具备一定影响力。 5.具备副教授以上职称,担任过硕士或博士研究生导师,熟悉研究生教学和论文指导工作者优先。 二、工作内容 1.全面负责中心的督导工作,完善本中心临床督导培养和管理体系。 2.为兼职督导师提供岗前督导培训,为中心的专、兼职督导师提供督导的督导。 3.为临床与咨询方向专业硕士研究生提供督导,担任值班督导。 4.承担临床与咨询方向专业硕士研究生授课任务和硕士研究生论文指导工作。 5.参与中心管理工作。 三、工作待遇 年薪60万人民币,编制、住房与津贴等其他待遇面议。 四、应聘程序 1.请应聘者通过邮件发送个人履历一份,内容包含但不限于以下内容: 学历、工作经历、取得的职业资格、推荐人姓名及联系方式、科研发表、翻译著作或其他您觉得值得提供的相关经历等,并请附上相关内容的电子版证明材料。 2.邮件名称请以“北师大MHS总督导应聘+姓名+手机号”,发送到XXX邮箱,材料恕不退回,感谢您的配合。 3.我中心将联系通过简历初筛的应聘者进行面试。 五、咨询/联系方式 联系人:伍斐 电子邮件:wufei373@bnu.edu.cn
Recruitment for Chief Supervisor of Mental Health Services, Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University Beijing Normal University, a key university under the administration of the Ministry of Education, is a renowned institution of higher education known for teacher education, education science and basic learning in both the arts and the sciences. Its Faculty of Psychology is one of the top Psychology departments among China's universities. The Mental Health Service center (MHS) of the Faculty of Psychology at Beijing Normal University is one of the largest mental health service centers in China. This beautiful and modern center occupies a total area of 980 square meters and has more than 20 counseling rooms, including individual, family, and group counseling rooms. MHS provides counseling services to over 100 people every day (including weekends). It is also a training clinic for master's-level students majoring in Applied Psychology (Clinical and Counselling track). As part of the training program, students provide free services to the general public, while receiving intensive training and supervision. To meet the various needs of clients, MHS provides a rich variety of mental health services, including individual, family, and group counseling, psychological assessment, EAP interventions, training for counseling and supervision, trauma-specific intervention for children and adolescents, and crisis intervention after major events or natural disasters, as well as many other services to meet the needs of the people of China. The center has a total of 22 supervisors, counselors, and staff members, including 9 returnees from well-known overseas universities, such as the University of Missouri, Indiana University Bloomington, Purdue University, etc. Dr. Robert Portnoy, the former director of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Counseling and Psychological Services, currently serves as the center's chief supervisor, but will be leaving this summer. Consequently, the center is interested in recruiting a newfull-timeChief Supervisor. 1. Required
2. Preferred
3. Job description
4. Salary Salary is 600,000 RMB annually before tax, other benefits, including housing, are negotiable. 5. Application process
6. Contacts