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发布时间:2018-06-04      作者:       浏览量:       【关闭

Higo Education Consulting Co LTD is affiliated with China Education Service Center. We pride ourselves for honing quality study-abroad services to our students in the past decades. Higo is now reaching out to talented individuals to work with us towards driving greater changes. In your position, you will gain first-hand experience of delivering premium counseling to students who seek fine education from American schools. You will also access opportunities to learn from/with seasoned educators and experts, which will take your insights to the next level. Furthermore, you will get to know how cutting-edge academic and extracurricular resources make a difference to students’ application, and it will in return help you explore your own potential.


YOU Will Be Joining您参与的工作内容:

l    Immerse and engage in study-abroad planning for our students, provide and accelerate counseling based upon;参与高中生留学规划指导,并推动规划方案的实施

l    Work closely with education planning specialists to deliver systemic and in-depth introduction of American educational information; 系统化、深度的介绍美国教育信息(配合资深顾问)

l    Pass on your studying experiences to our students; 分享个人学习中有价值的经验

l    Engage in preparing the students for American schools via mock interview;参与美国大学申请面试模拟训练

l    Interact with the students pertaining but not limited to educational enrichment, social dialogue, and cultural communication;与学生进行教育成长、社会思考、文化等方面的交流

l    Synthetic organization of  high school activity resources such as academic, competition, research, and clubs; 系统整理高中生的学术竞赛、科研活动与各类兴趣组织

l    Synthetic organization of accessible social welfare resources; 系统整理社会公益资源

l    Assist to set up connection with faculty, research facility, social welfare entity in the U.S.;参与建立与美国大学教授、科研、公益等机构的联系

l    Assist in planning and promoting education-themed events;参与教育主题活动的策划与推广

l    Understand Higo culture and maintain the social media platforms了解公司发展理念,帮助维护线上平台的推广

WE Are Looking At我们期望您:

l    Bachelor’s degree or higher, major in education, international relations, literature, history, philosophy or other humanity-centric areas; 本科或以上学历, 教育,国际关系,文史哲等相关专业。

l    Passionate for international education, aware of social responsibility; 有从事国际教育事业的热忱,具有社会责任感;

l    Comfortable communicating and collaborating; 善于沟通,拥有良好的团队合作意识;

l    Fast learner, quick thinker, noble writer; 文字表达优雅,反应敏捷,具备快速学习的能力;

l    Equipped with a handful of extracurricular experiences; 丰富的社团活动经验

l    Specialized in one athletic and/or art program minimum; 有一项以上的运动或者艺术特长

l    Charmer in front of the public; 具备公众场合下的沟通魅力

WHAT You Will Get待遇:

l    RMB180 per day if undergraduate; 在读生薪资每天180元

l    RMB5000-8000 (plus bonus and insurance) if degree holder; 毕业生5000-8000元/月+五险 + 奖金;

l    Working hour 8:30am-5:00pm, one hour lunch break工作时间朝八点半晚五,每天午休一小时

Send your CV to luojianhua@higo-edu.com now!

We are looking forward to having you!


请发简历至:编辑姓名+院校至luojianhua@higo-edu.com   (罗老师)


公司网址: http://www.higo-edu.com


