
谢明珺 讲师



Research interests:Stress, sleep, and emotional health; biopsychosocial development among children and adolescents of diverse backgrounds; acculturation and adaptation of migrant populations




Ph.D. Michigan State University

M.A. Tufts University

B.Ed. 广东外语外贸大学


2022.10至今: beway必威 ,讲师

2020.11-2022.09: beway必威 ,博士后

2019.12-2020.06: Fordham University, Postdoctoral Research Fellow



1. Yip, T.*,Xie, M., Cham, H., & El-Sheikh, M. (2022). Linking discrimination to adolescent health: Sleep disturbances as an explanatory pathway. Child Development, 93, 973-994.http://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13747(5-year IF: 6.863)

2. Yip, T.*, Wang, Y.,Xie, M., Ip, P. S., Fowle, J., & Buckhalt, J. (2022). School start times, sleep and youth outcomes: A meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 149(6), 62-91, e2021054068.https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2021-054068(5-year IF: 8.109)

3. Cao J.,Xie, M.*, & Lin, D.* (2022). Trajectories of perceived discrimination among Chinese rural-to-urban migrant early adolescents: Predictors and outcomes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 871-887.http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10964-021-01546-5(5-year IF: 5.613)

4. Yip, T.*, Cham, H., Wang, Y., &Xie, M.(2022). Applying stress and coping models to ethnic/racial identity, discrimination, and adjustment among diverse adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 58(1), 176-192.https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001283(5-year IF: 5.62)

5.Xie, M.*,Yip, T., Cham, H., & El-Sheikh, M. (2021). The impact of daily discrimination on sleep/wake problem trajectories among diverse adolescents. Child Development, 92(5), e1061-e1074.http://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13605(5-year IF:6.863)

6.Xie, M.*, Fowle, J., Ip, P. S., Haskin, M., & Yip, T. (2021). Profiles of ethnic-racial identity, socialization, and model minority experiences: Associations with well-being among Asian American adolescents.Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50, 1173-1188.http://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-021-01436-w(5-year IF: 5.613)

7.Xie, M.*, Nuttall, A. K., Johnson, D. J., & Qin, D. B. (2021). Longitudinal associations between mother-child and father-child closeness and conflict from middle childhood to adolescence. Family Relations, 70, 866-879.http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/fare.12531(5-year IF: 3.582;)

8.Xie, M.*, Qin, D. B., Liu, S., Duan, Y., Sato, M., & Tseng, C. (2021). Crazy Rich Chinese?: A mixed-methods examination of perceived stereotypes and associated psychosocial adaptation challenges among Chinese international students in the United States. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 13(3), 653-676.http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12233(5-year IF: 4.934)

9. Todorova, I.*, Qin, D. B., …Xie, M.et al. (2021). “What I thought was so important isn’t really that important”: International perspectives on making meaning during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 9(1), 830-857.https://doi.org/10.1080/21642850.2021.1981909

10. Cao, J.#, Li, X.#, Ye, Z.,Xie, M.*, & Lin, D.* (2020). Parental psychological and behavioral control and positive youth development among young Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of basic psychological needs satisfaction. Current Psychology, 1-12.https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-00980-1(5-year IF: 3.544)

11. Sun, J., Jiang, Y., Zilioli, S.,Xie, M., Chen, L., & Lin, D.* (accepted). Psychological and physical abuse and cortisol response to stress: The moderating role of psychosocial resources. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

12.谢明珺,孙佳宁,肖家乐,弓鑫钰,林丹华*.(已接收).从累加到类型视角:儿童期逆境对个体神经生理发展的影响.心理发展与教育[Xie, M., Sun, J., Xiao, J., Gong, X., & Lin, D.* From the cumulative risk approach to dimensional approach: Associations between adverse childhood experiences and human development. Psychological Development and Education.]


1. Yip, T.*, Haskin, M., Fowle, J.,Xie, M., Cheon, Y. M., Ip, P. S., & Akhter, S. (2022). Development against the backdrop of the model minority myth: Strengths and vulnerabilities among Asian American adolescents and young adults. In L. Crockett, G. Carlo & J. Schulenberg (Eds.), APA Handbook of Adolescent and Young Adult Development.

2.Xie, M., Liu, S., Duan, Y., & Qin, D. B.* (2019). “I feel like people living here don’t like Chinese students”: Perceived stereotype and discrimination and Chinese international student adaptation. In H. E. Fitzgerald, D. J. Johnson, D. B. Qin, F. A. Villarruel, & J. Norder (Eds), Handbook of children and prejudice: Integrating research, practice, and policy (pp. 597-614). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

3. Qin, D. B.*, Chang, T.,Xie, M., Liu, S., & Rana, M. (2017). Socioeconomic status and child/youth outcomes in Asian American families. In Y. Choi & H. C. Hahm (Eds), Asian American parenting: Family process and intervention (pp. 89-115). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

4.林丹华,谢明珺,孙佳宁,刘文,赵国祥.让困境儿童真正走出困境”.人民政协报, 2022223.(政策研究报告)





beway必威 自主科研基金项目,主持人2021-2022



4. Chinese undergraduate student success in a U.S. public university

U.S. Spencer Foundation (PI: Desiree B. Qin, Ph.D.), Project Coordinator, 2015-2018


本科生课程: 心理学论文写作 (Paper Writing in Psychology)

研究生课程跨文化背景下的青少年发展 (Acculturation and Youth Development)

论文写作 (全英文) (Writing in Developmental Psychology)


期刊编委 (editorial board):

Journal of Youth and Adolescence2021.11 至今


北京妇产学会心理分会,常务委员 2022-2025

同行评审 (Ad hoc journal reviewer):

Child Development

Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Journal of Affective Disorders

Journal of Family Psychology

Family Relations

Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being

Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology

Asian American Journal of Psychology

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Personal Relationships

Comparative Education Review


会议评审 (conference reviewer):

Society for Research in Child Development

Society for Research on Adolescence

American Psychological Association Division 45 Conference



