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2022.10 - 至今        beway必威 讲师

2020.10 - 2022.10  beway必威  师资博士后、讲师


2015.09-2020.07,北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院 博士

2012.09-2015.06,浙江师范大学教师教育学院 硕士

2008.09-2012.06,浙江师范大学教师教育学院 学士



Yi, L.*, Wang, Q., Song, C., & Han, Z. R.* (2022). Hypo or hyperarousal? The mechanisms underlying social information processing in autism. Child Development Perspectives, cdep.12466. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdep.12466

Wang Q.*, Lu H., Feng S. Song, C., Hu, Y. & Yi, L*. (2022). Investigating intra-individual variability of face scanning in autistic children. Autism, 26(7), 1752-1764.

Hu, Y., Xiong, Q., Wang, Q., Song, C., Wang, D., Lu, H., Shi, W., Han, Y.*, Liu, J.*, Li, X.*, & Yi, L. (2022). Early development of social attention in toddlers at high familial risk for autism spectrum disorder. Infant Behavior and Development, 66, 101662. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infbeh.2021.101662

Liu, Q.#, Wang, Q.#, Li, X.#, Gong, X., Luo, X., Yin, T., Liu, J.*, & Yi, L.* (2021). Social synchronization during joint attention in children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 14(10), 2120–2130. https://doi.org/10.1002/aur.2553

Wang, H.#, Wang, Q.#, Hu, X.*, & Han, Z. R. (2021). Mindfulness and stress among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in China. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-05011-x

He, Q.#, Wang, Q.#, Wu, Y., Yi, L.*, & Wei, K.* (2021). Automatic classification of children with autism spectrum disorder by using a computerized visualorienting task. PsyCh Journal. 10(4), 550–565. https://doi.org/10.1002/pchj.447

Wang, Q.#, Hoi, S. P.#, Song, C., Li, T., Lam, C. M., Wang, Y.*, & Yi, L*. (2021). Circumscribed interest modulates attention to eyes in boys with and without autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 627365. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.627365

Feng, S., Lu, H., Wang, Q., Li, T., Fang, J., Chen, L.*, & Yi, L.* (2021). Faceviewing patterns predict audiovisual speech integration in autistic children. Autism Research, 14(12), 25922602. https://doi.org/10.1002/aur.2598

Gong, X., Li, X., Wang, Q., Hoi, S. P., Yin, T., Zhao, L., Meng, F., Luo, X.*, & Liu, J.* (2021). Comparing visual preferences between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and normal children to explore the characteristics of visual preference of ASD children by improved visual preference paradigm: A case-control study. Translational Pediatrics, 10(8), 2006–2015. https://doi.org/10.21037/tp-21-294

Lin, X.#, Li, W.#, Dong, G., Wang, Q., Sun, H., Shi, J., Fan, Y., Li, P.*, & Lu, L.* (2021). Characteristics of multimodal brain connectomics in patients with schizophrenia and the unaffected first-degree relatives. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9, 631864. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2021.631864

Wang, Q., Hoi, S., Wang, Y., Lam, C., Fang, F., & Yi, L.* (2020). Gaze response to others' gaze following in children with and without autism. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 129(3), 320–329.

Wang, Q. #, Han, Z. #, Hu, X., Feng, S., Wang, H., Liu, T.*, & Yi, L.* (2020). Autism symptoms modulate interpersonal neural synchronization in children with autism spectrum disorder in cooperative interactions. Brain Topography. 33, 112–122.

Lin, X., Deng, J., Shi, L., Wang, Q., Li, P., Li, H., Liu, J., Que, J., Chang, S., Bao, Y., Shi, J., Weinberger, D. R., Wu, P., & Lu, L.* (2020). Neural substrates of smoking and reward cue reactivity in smokers: A meta-analysis of fMRI studies. Translational Psychiatry, 10(1), 1–9.

Wang, Q., Hoi, S., Wang, Y.*, Song, C., Li, T., Lam, C., Fang, F., & Yi, L.* (2019). Out of mind, out of sight? Investigating abnormal face scanning in autism spectrum disorder using gaze-contingent paradigm. Developmental Science, 13, e12856.

Hu, C. S.*, Huang, J., Ferrari, M., Wang, Q., Xie, D., & Zhang, H. (2019). Sadder but wiser: emotional reactions and wisdom in a simulated suicide intervention. International Journal of Psychology, 54(6), 791–799.

Wang, Q., Lu, L., Zhang, Q., Fang, F., Zou, X., & Yi, L.* (2018). Eye avoidance in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder is modulated by emotional facial expressions. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127, 722–732.

Wang, Q. #, Hu, Y. #, Shi, D. #, Zhang, Y., Zou, X., Li, S., Fang, F., & Yi, L.* (2018). Children with autism spectrum disorder prefer looking at repetitive movements in a preferential looking paradigm. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 2821–2831.

Hu, X., Han, Z.*, Wang, H., Hu, Y., Wang, Q., Feng, S., Yi, L. (2018). The relation of parental emotion regulation to child autism spectrum disorder core symptoms: The moderating role of child cardiac vagal activity. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, e2480.

Feng, S., Wang, X., Wang, Q., Fang, J., Wu, Y., Yi, L.*, Wei, K.* (2018). The uncanny valley effect in typically developing children and its absence in children with autism spectrum disorders. PLoS ONE, 13(11), e0206343.

Hu, C. S.*, Michel, F., Wang, Q., & Earl, W. (2017). Thin-slice measurement of wisdom. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, e1378.

Hu, C. S., Wang, Q., Han, T., Weare, E., & Fu, G*. (2015). Differential emotion attribution to neutral faces of own and other races. Cognition and Emotion, 31(2), 360–368.

Fu, G., Dong, Y., Quinn, P. C., Xiao, W. S., Wang, Q., & Chen, G., et al. (2015). Effects of visual expertise on a novel eye-size illusion: implications for holistic face processing. Vision Research, 113, 104–110.

Hu, C., Huang, K., Hu, X., Liu, Y., Yuan, F., Wang, Q., & Fu, G*. (2015). Measuring the cognitive resources consumed per second for real-time lie-production and recollection: a dual-tasking paradigm. Frontiers in psychology, 6, e596.

Wang, Q., Xiao, N. G., Quinn, P. C., Hu, C. S., Miao, Q., & Fu, G.*, et al. (2014). Visual scanning and recognition of Chinese, Caucasian, and racially ambiguous faces: contributions from bottom-up facial physiognomic information and top-down knowledge of racial categories. Vision Research, 107, 67–75.

Wang, Q., Chen, G., Wang, Z., Hu, C. S., Hu, X., & Fu, G.* (2014). Implicit racial attitudes influence perceived emotional intensity on other-race faces. Plos One, 9(9), e105946.

Lin, X., Dong, G.*, Wang, Q., & Du, X. (2014). Abnormal gray matter and white matter volume in ‘internet gaming addicts’. Addictive Behaviors, 40, 137–143.

Hu, C., S., Wang, Q., Fu, G.*, Quinn, P., C., Lee, K* (2014). Both children and adults scan faces of own and other races differently. Vision Research, 102, 1–10.

Xiao, W. S., Fu, G., Quinn, P. C., Sun, Y. H., Xiao, N. G., & Wang, Q., et al. (2014). The eye-size illusion: psychophysical characteristics, generality, and relation to holistic face processing. Perception, 43(4), 265–74.

Wang, Q., Hu, C., Short, L. A., & Fu, G.* (2012). The influence of shyness on the scanning of own- and other-race faces in adults. Plos One, 7(12), e52203.

王乾东, 李庆功*, 陈凯凯, 傅根跃(2015). 不可信面孔在视知觉加工中的注意偏向:来自眼动的证据.心理科学进展, 23(9), 1508–1513.

       王乾东, 胡超, 傅根跃* (2013). 幼儿面孔加工异族效应的眼动研究.心理学报, 45(2), 169–178.

王乾东, 胡超, 傅根跃* (2013). 在艾森克人格问卷L量表上说谎的语音频谱特征.心理科学, 36(2), 306–310.


王乾东(2022.12.10). 透过你的眼睛:孤独症儿童面孔加工的创新研究. 新时代特殊教育发展与创新论坛分论坛口头报告. onthegopto.com教育学部特殊教育学院.

Wang, Q., Hoi, S., Song, C., Yi, L. (2019, May). Second-order Joint Attention: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Showed Abnormal Eye Movements in Response to Others’ Gaze Following. Poster Presented on the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

Wang, Q., Hoi, S., Song, C., Li, T., Wang, Y., Lam, M., Fang, F., Hu, Y., Yi, L. (2019, March). Investigating Abnormal Face Scanning in Autism Spectrum Disorder Using the Gaze-Contingent Paradigm. Poster Presented on the 2019 Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, United States.

Wang, Q., Liu, T., Han, Z., Hu, X., Feng, S., Wang, H., Yi, L. (2018, May). Autistic Syndrome Modulates Interpersonal Neural Synchronization in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Cooperative Interactions. Oral Report Presented on the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Wang, Q., Lu, L., Zou, X., Yi, L. (2017, May). Eye Avoidance in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder is Modulated by Emotional Facial Expressions. Poster Presented on the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States.


魏坤琳,易莉,王乾东,贺桥(2020.10.27). 基于眼动技术和机器学习对孤独症儿童自动识别的系统(ZL 2018 1 1472239.3).









beway必威 ,新青年教师项目:孤独症儿童扫描面孔的变异度:现象、机制及早期发展(2021-2024),主持






担任Frontiers in Psychology期刊Review Editor

担任Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Molecular Autism, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorder, Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology,《心理学报》,《心理与发展教育》,《心理与行为研究》,《应用心理学》等期刊审稿人






2019.04,   眼动技术:概念、操作、编程及应用。浙江工业大学管理学院




