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Email: songyiying@bnu.edu.cn



2000/09 – 2006/07 中国科学院研究生院,生物物理学方向,理学博士

1995/09 – 2000/07  中国科学技术大学,生命科学学院,理学学士


2016/07- beway必威 副教授

2014/06 –2016/06 onthegopto.com脑与认知科学研究院 讲师

2011/01 – 2014/06 onthegopto.com脑与认知科学研究院 985研究员

2006/07 – 2010/12 onthegopto.com脑与认知科学研究院,博士后








1. Xue Tian, Xin Hao, Yiying Song*, Jia Liu (2021). Homogenization of face neural representation during development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 52, 101040

2. Xin Hao, Taicheng Huang, Yiying Song*, Xiangzhen Kong, and Jia Liu* (2021). Development of navigation network revealed by resting-state and task-state functional connectivity. Neuroimage. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118515

3. Xu Wang, Zonglei Zhen, Shan Xu, Jingguang Li, Yiying Song*, Jia Liu* (2021). Behavioral and neural correlates of social network size: the unique and common contributions of face recognition and extraversion. Journal of Personality. doi:10.1111/jopy.12666

4. Xiqin Liu, Xueting Li*, Yiying Song*, Jia Liu (2021). Separate and Shared Neural Basis of Face Memory and Face Perception in Developmental Prosopagnosia. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.668174

5. Mengxia Yu, Xueting Li*, Yiying Song*, Jia Liu (2021). Visual association learning induces global network reorganization. Neuropsychologia. 154. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2021.107789

6. Yiying Song*#, Yukun Qu#, Shan Xu, Jia Liu* (2021). Implementation-Independent Representation for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Humans in Processing Faces. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2020.601314

7. Mengxia Yu, Haoming Song, Jialin Huang, Yiying Song*, Jia Liu* (2020). Motor Learning Improves the Stability of Large-Scale Brain Connectivity Pattern. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.571733

8. Xue Tian, Yiying Song*, Jia Liu* (2020). Multi-Item Discriminability Pattern to Faces in Developmental Prosopagnosia Reveals Distinct Mechanisms of Face Processing. Cerebral Cortex. 30: ‏2986-2996

9. Jin Li, Yiying Song*, Jia Liu* (2019). Functional connectivity pattern in the core face network reflects different mechanisms of holistic face processing measured by the whole-part effect and composite-face effect. Neuroscience. 408: 248-258.

10. Yuan-Fang Zhao, Zonglei Zhen, Xiqin Liu, Yiying Song*, Jia Liu* (2018). The neural network for face recognition: insights from an fMRI study on developmental prosopagnosia. Neuroimage. 169: 151-161.

11. Xin Hao, Xu Wang, Yiying Song*, Xiangzhen Kong, Jia Liu* (2018). Dual roles of the hippocampus and intraparietal sulcus in network integration and segregation support scene recognition. Brain Structure and Function. 223(3): 1473-1485.

12. Xu Wang, Qi Zhu, Yiying Song*, Jia Liu* (2018). Developmental Reorganization of the Core and Extended Face Networks Revealed by Global Functional Connectivity. Cerebral Cortex, 28(10):3521-3530.

13. Mengxia Yu, Miao Xu, Xueting Li, Zhancai Chen, Yiying Song*, Jia Liu (2017). The Shared Neural Basis of Music and Language. Neuroscience. 357:208-219.

14. Jin Li, Lijie Huan, Yiying Song*, Jia Liu* (2017). Dissociated neural basis of two behavioral hallmarks of holistic face processing: the whole-part effect and composite-face effect. Neuropsychogia. 102:52-60

15. Xiqin Liu, Ling Liu, Zhencai Chen, Yiying Song*, & Jia Liu. (2017). Indirect effects of fluid intelligence on creative aptitude through openness to experience. Current Psychology, doi.org/10.1007/s12144-017-9633-5.

16. Xiangzhen Kong#, Yiying Song#, Zonglei Zhen, Jia Liu* (2017). Genetic Variation in S100B Modulates Neural Processing of Visual Scenes in Han Chinese. Cerebral Cortex, 27(2):1326-1336.

17. Lin Zhang#, Yiying Song#, Ling Liu, & Jia Liu* (2016), Dissociable roles of internal feelings and face recognition ability in facial expression decoding. Neuroimage 132: 283-292

18. Xu Wang, Yiying Song*, Zonglei Zhen, & Jia Liu* (2016), Functional Integration of the Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus Correlates With Facial Expression Recognition. Human Brain Mapping, 37(5): 1930-40

19. Xu Wang, Zonglei Zhen, Yiying Song*, Lijie Huang, Xiangzhen Kong, and Jia Liu* (2016) The Hierarchical Structure of the Face Network Revealed by Its Functional Connectivity Pattern. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(3):890-900.

20. Yiying Song#, Qi Zhu#, Jingguang Li, Xu Wang and Jia Liu* (2015) Typical and Atypical Development of Functional Connectivity in the Face Network. Journal of Neuroscience 35(43): 14624-14635

21. Yiying Song#, Huanhua Lu#, Siyuan Hu, Miao Xu, Xueting Li, Jia Liu (2015) Regulating emotion to improve physical health through the amygdala. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 10(4): 523-530.

22. Huanhua Lu#, Yiying Song#, Miao Xu, Xu Wang, Xueting Li, Jia Liu (2014) The brain structure correlates of individual differences in trait mindfulness: a voxel-based morphometry study. Neuroscience 272: 21-28

23. Lijie Huang#, Yiying Song#, Jingguang Li, Zonglei Zhen, Zetian Yang, Jia Liu (2014) Individual differences in cortical face selectivity predict behavioral performance in face recognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8:483.

24. Yiying Song, Yu L. L. Luo, Xueting Li, Miao Xu, and Jia Liu* (2013) Representation of Contextually Related Multiple Objects in the human ventral visual pathway. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25(8): 1261-1268

25. Yiying Song Y#, Moqian Tian#, &Jia Liu* (2012) Top-down processing of symbolic meanings modulates the visual word form area. Journal of Neuroscience 32(35):12277–12283

26. Yiying Song, Siyuan Hu, Xueting Li, Wu Li, and Jia Liu* (2010) The role of top-down task context in learning to perceive objects. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(29): 9869-9876

27. Yiying Song, Yong Bu, Siyuan Hu, Yuejia Luo, & Jia Liu* (2010) Short-term language experience shapes the plasticity of the visual word form area. Brain Research. Vol. 1316, pp. 83-91

28. Yiying Song, Yong Bu, & Jia Liu* (2010). General associative learning shapes the plasticity of the visual word form area. Neuroreport. 21(5):333-337

29. Xiaobai Li and Yiying Song* (2007). First congenital prosopagnosia case reported in China. Progress in Natural Science, Vol. 17, No.13, pp.165-171






