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Email: xiaochun.han@bnu.edu.cn

研究方向: 群际关系与社会认知神经科学,包括:群际关系表征与变化、群际冲突与合作、共情与亲社会行为的内群体偏向性等;研究手段包括:行为实验、计算建模、脑成像技术(磁共振、脑电图、近红外等)、跨文化比较等。



2022至今 beway必威 副教授

2019-2021 美国Dartmouth College心理与脑科学学院 博士后 导师:Prof. Tor D. Wager

2018-2019 美国University of Colorado, Boulder认知科学研究院 博士后 导师:Prof. Tor D. Wager

2013-2018 北京大学心理与认知科学学院 博士 导师:韩世辉教授

2009-2013 onthegopto.com心理学院 本科


Han, X., Ashar, Y. K., Kragel, P., Petre, B., Schelkun, V., Atlas, L. Y., Chang, L. J., Jepma, M., Koban, L., Losin, E. A. R., Roy, M., Woo, C. W., & Wager, T. D. (2022). Effect sizes and test-retest reliability of the fMRI-based neurologic pain signature. NeuroImage, 247, 118844.

Gao, T.#, Han, X.#, Bang, D., & Han, S. (2022). Cultural differences in neurocognitive mechanisms underlying believing. NeuroImage, 250, 118954.

Kragel, P. A., Han, X., Kraynak, T. E., Gianaros, P. J., & Wager, T. D. (2021). Functional MRI can be highly reliable, but it depends on what you measure: A commentary on Elliott et al.(2020). Psychological Science, 32(4), 622-626.

Han, X., Zhou, S., Fahoum, N., Wu, T., Gao, T., Shamay-Tsoory, S., Gelfand, M. J., Wu, X., & Han, S. (2021). Cognitive and neural bases of decision-making causing civilian casualties during intergroup conflict. Nature Human Behaviour, 5(9), 1214-1225.

Han, X., Gelfand, M. J., Wu, B., Zhang, T., Li, W., Gao, T., Pang, C., Wu, T., Zhou, Y., Zhou, S., Wu, X., & Han, S. (2020). A neurobiological association of revenge propensity during intergroup conflict. Elife, 9, e52014.

Zhou, Y., Gao, T., Zhang, T., Li, W., Wu, T., Han, X., & Han, S. (2020). Neural dynamics of racial categorization predicts racial bias in face recognition and altruism. Nature human behaviour, 4(1), 69-87.

An, S.#, Han, X.#, Wu, B., Shi, Z., Marks, M., Wang, S., Wu, X., & Han, S. (2018). Neural activation in response to the two sides of emotion. Neuroscience letters, 684, 140-144.

Luo, S., Han, X., Du, N., & Han, S. (2018). Physical coldness enhances racial in-group bias in empathy: Electrophysiological evidence. Neuropsychologia, 116, 117-125.

Han, X., He, K., Wu, B., Shi, Z., Liu, Y., Luo, S., Wei, K., Wu, X., & Han, S. (2017). Empathy for pain motivates actions without altruistic effects: evidence of motor dynamics and brain activity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(6), 893-901.

Han, X., Zhang, T., Wang, S., & Han, S. (2017). Neural correlates of believing. NeuroImage, 156, 155-165.

Han, X., Luo, S., & Han, S. (2016). Embodied neural responses to others’ suffering. Cognitive Neuroscience, 7(1-4), 114-127.

Sheng, F.#, Han, X.#, & Han, S. (2016). Dissociated neural representations of pain expressions of different races. Cerebral Cortex, 26(3), 1221-1233.




担任一系列国际专业期刊审稿人,包括:Journal of Experimental Psychology: General; Human Brain Mapping; Acta Psychologica Sinica; Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; British Journal of Social Psychology; Globalization and Health等。


