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国际应用心理学协会(IAAP)前主席Jose M. Peiró.唁电 |
发布时间:2022-12-29 作者: 浏览量:268 【关闭】 |
I have recently been informed that professor Houcan Zhang passed away a few days ago. This is really an irreplaceable loss. She made really relevant and immense contributions to Chinese Psychology and also to the international one. I am really aware that her magisterium has been fruitful and has influence thousands of Chinese psychologists. In her international roles, across decades, in the international associations of psychology her contributions have been memorable. Recently she was instrumental in supporting all the preparation of the ICAP to be held in China in 2023, although finally had to be cancelled because of uncertainties and difficulties raised by the pandemics. Please receive my deepest condolences and convey them to her family and to the Board of the Chinese Psychology Society. Jose M. Peiró.